
5e conjure animals
5e conjure animals

5e conjure animals

Not only can you use the rod to cancel the effects of spells targeting you, but you can also use the magical energy it has absorbed to create spell slots for your spellcasting. The puzzle boxes, made of infernal iron, cannot be opened by magical means or damaged in any way. Namely: Luck Blade, Ring of Three Wishes, (Eye of Vecna + Hand of Vecna), Deck of Many Things (risky), Efreety Bottle (risky). This Yklwa gives you a +1 to attack and damage rolls made with it. Lastly, you can use both the Lightning Bolt and Thunderclap at the same time. This small wooden box can be turned into a medium-sized boat or a large ship, depending on which command word you speak. The hammer provides many abilities, such as the ability to speak Abyssal and Infernal, a burrowing speed equal to your walking speed, and the ability to cast Earthquake, Meld into Stone, or Stone Shape.

5e conjure animals

Additionally, it gives you advantage on saving throws against harmful gases and vapors. However, your AC can be very low as you spread your ability score points across Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution. It has several properties and can cast several spells that are all useful in thievery.

5e conjure animals

Even better than dragon scale mail, this tattoo gives you a set AC according to its rarity. It also allows you to prepare a spell from any spell list each day.

5e conjure animals